Christian Leadership and
Team Training

Discovering your purpose within the Body of Christ

Coach Munch is passionate about the health of the Church. And furthering the Kingdom of God.  He wants to help the Church flourish within good times and times that test the strength of the body of Christ. While working on his bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership he was greatly taken in by Chapter 12 of Romans from verses 1-21. He finds verse 1 and 2 to be his life verses. And verses 3-8 his Christian mission verses for the church. With his military background, Christian training, and work as a church elder and deacon. He has found that the true hero of the church is all its members humbly doing their part within the church to complete the body of Christ. From the Pastor in the pulpit giving the Sermon to the shy first-time greeter at the door. To the volunteers and staff who clean the church between weekly services. The Church is a team effort with no one more important than the other within their given gift in service to the Lord. So where do you fit into the body? Do you know?  There is a great deal to unpack in that question. But once you have found the key to YOUR God given place with the body of Christ. The blessings will flow both into and out of you. Are you ready to take the journey to find and fulfill your God given purpose at the church. I would be humbled if you would allow me to come alongside you and assist you in your journey to find The Lord’s true will for your life.   

Christian Leadership Coaching

Coach Munch is passionate about the health of the Church. And furthering the Kingdom of God.  He wants to help the Church flourish  in good times and not so good times. While working on his bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership he was greatly taken in by Chapter 12 of Romans from verse 1through 21. He finds verse 1 and 2 to be his life verses. And verses 3-8 his Christian mission verses for the church.

Discovering your purpose within the Body of Christ

Coach Munch is passionate about the health of the Church. And furthering the Kingdom of God.  He wants to help the Church flourish within good times and times that test the strength of the body of Christ. While working on his bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership he was greatly taken in by Chapter 12 of Romans from verses 1-21. He finds verse 1 and 2 to be his life verses. And verses 3-8 his Christian mission verses for the church. With his military background, Christian training, and work as a church elder and deacon. He has found that the true hero of the church is all its members humbly doing their part within the church to complete the body of Christ. From the Pastor in the pulpit giving the Sermon to the shy first-time greeter at the door. To the volunteers and staff who clean the church between weekly services. The Church is a team effort with no one more important than the other within their given gift in service to the Lord. So where do you fit into the body? Do you know?  There is a great deal to unpack in that question. But once you have found the key to YOUR God given place with the body of Christ. The blessings will flow both into and out of you. Are you ready to take the journey to find and fulfill your God given purpose at the church. I would be humbled if you would allow me to come alongside you and assist you in your journey to find The Lord’s true will for your life.   

Christian Leadership Coaching

Coach Munch is passionate about the health of the Church. And furthering the Kingdom of God.  He wants to help the Church flourish  in good times and not so good times. While working on his bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership he was greatly taken in by Chapter 12 of Romans from verse 1through 21. He finds verse 1 and 2 to be his life verses. And verses 3-8 his Christian mission verses for the church.

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